MPLS VPN is a true peer-to-peer VPN model that unites the customer security and segregation features implemented in the overlay model with the simplified customer routing deployed in the traditiona…
Notes: CD is not available
The purpose of this research paper is to find out how Net Promoter Score or NPS could improve the marketing strategy in Allianz Indonesia. nThe result of this thesis will determine the best fit mar…
Strategy to improve sales management on the corporate business divide into three crucial parts: Developing Sales Team, Sales Strategy and Monitoring Sales Person
The Computer shop business competition is very tough at this moment. Many shops offer the computer and devices at a very competitive price with a low margin.nnDokter Komputer, a computer shop in Ce…
In most companies, order systems and payment systems are not well integrated. The process of reconciling electronic payments is usually manually intensive process. This phenomenon could lead to fai…
The thesis research is to build a design a Human Resource Information System for PT. XYZ with a purpose of helping HR Department to increase efficiency in human resource operations, get better mana…
Wireless LAN system becomes so popular in the last few years. It's not used for indoor LAN only as the initial purpose, but also for extranet and internet access. Meanwhile, there are several indus…
The purpose of this research is to study and analyze whether there is potentialnmarket for mobile wallet in Indonesia, to analyze the adoption factor of the services,nto assess the consumer require…