edited by Ian Foster University of Chicago Argonne National Laboratory, Rayid Ghani University of Chicago, Ron S. Jarmin U.S. Census Bureau, Frauke Kreuter University of Maryland University of Manh…
Skk migas has implemented sot (sistem operasi terpadu) to allow skk migas system to retrieve specific information from psc contractor data source within an integrated online system. It is expected …
DaimlerChrysler is one of major automotive company in Indonesia. To improve their Inventory Information System, they have to increase their efficiency and effectiveness in maintaining the cycle of …
Intrusion Detection System (IDS) are used to detect attack and make recommendation for future incident.Snort is the most popular open source tools for IDS with the consideration of no limitation. S…
The purpose of this research is to find the opinion on Twitter about the 2014 president candidates and find the correlation between the opinion on Twitter and on digital newspaper. to perform this,…