The fact that transportation has become more and more advanced has triggered rapid increase in demand for air travel which eventually resulted in such over-crowded air traffic. The urgent need to b…
The objective of this thesis is to build the routing protocol that resides in the network layer of ATN TP4/CLNP Networking Suite. The routing protocol is specified in ISO/IEC 9542:1994(E) and has t…
ATN is a technology which is planned to be the backbone that connects aircraft, air traffic control and airline operations facilities as mandated by ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization)…
The purpose of this thesis is to perform software testing of CLTP functions based on white box and black box method. We conduct a test for the transmission and reception functions of a CLTP using w…
Higher demand for travelling by airplane forces Indonesia to ensure flight safety in Indonesian airspace. This can be accomplished Communication Navigation Surveillance/Air Traffic Management (CNS/…
In this thesis, we implement CLTP transmission functions for utilization in ATN based on ISO/IEC 8602 (1995) and ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) SARPs (Standards and Recommended Pr…
In 1994, ICAO announced the instruction to implement CNS/ATM by 2015 for all participants of Chicago conference, including Indonesia. ATN is designed to provide data communication services. Communi…
The ATN TP4/CLNP Networking Suite project ( is a joint research program between the Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology and Swiss German Univ…
ATN is an international communication infrastructure that process the digital data transfer among airlines and ground air transportation control. ATN implements CLNP as its network protocol and COT…
The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) recommends ATN to be implemented in Indonesia to ensure the effectiveness and efficiency of air traffic management. Hence numbers of ATN routers…