Many applications or systems in this Internet era are built with distributed design in nature. Most of the systems use a single or limited number of resources, either a database or link to older sy…
Notes: cd is not availablernFor many companies, extending enterprise applications and Web content to mobile devices has become a business imperative, not just to improve the return on investment in…
Networked computers nowadays are not a rare item anymore. It can be seen almost everywhere. Networked computers are essential for everyday work in office and Internet Cafe. But, networked computers…
A good business is a business that can provide good products and services for its customers. Good products and services will result in customer satisfaction, and when they satisfy, they are likely …
Swiss German University is an International University. As an international university, SGU need an online library. Online library or digital library basically is library on the web. Digital librar…
PT.Mitra Abadi is a company that dealing with a customer and supplier especially in repairing a ship. The purpose of this research paper is establishing of used a computerize system that will be im…
Nowadays system interoperability is an increasing demand to enable information distribution across different platforms. The concept of distributed system is introduced to support interoperability. …
Distributed computing is growing and requiring much more attention for its maturity. Some vendors have been collaborating to provide mutually agreed specifications to enable communications among di…
The primary purpose of this research is to analyze the old system and identify problems that exist in the small company in order to create and design the best way to achieve improvement.The old sys…
Beyond the tragedy of the tsunami disaster in Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, North Sumatra, and other parts of Asia, there is hope for recovery. A geographic information system (GIS) is a computer based…