HPV is a virus that causes cervical cancer. The nature of the HPV morphology makes it a prime specimen to be treated with the protease Bromelaine. This preliminary research towards the effect of Br…
Most people do not concern that pineapple also contains very valuable natural enzyme which is proteolytic bromelain enzyme. Bromelain is believed to have many benefits and is very promising to the …
Pineapples contain bromelain, a phytochemical compound that was proven to possess a lot of benefits. These proteolytic enzymes are likely to be very promising to the development of food industry, a…
Gram stain is a differential stain which distinguishes bacteria into 2 large groups;rnGram-negative and Gram-positive. Similar to other staining methods, Gram stain isrnpurposed to make the morphol…
ATPase is a membrane-bound enzyme that hydrolyzes ATP to ADP, produces free energy to pump ions across cell membrane. This study hypothesized the possibility of erythrocyte membrane total ATPase ac…
In a previous in-vitro research, Bromelain, a protease found in the fruit and stem of pineapples, has been shown to deactivate the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and produced negative results o…
The outer structure of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is comprised of coatrnproteins and lipid bilayer. In order to destroy HIV, the outer membrane must bernhandled first. A proteolytic enzyme …
Bromelain, a protease enzyme, is found in the stem and fruit of pineapple. It has beenrnused in medical as therapeutic agents and supplements, and also known to havernimmunomodulatory function. How…
Cervical cancer is one type of cancer that becomes the leading causes of deaths among woman in most countries. Almost all cervical cancers are caused by specific high risk type of Human Papilloma V…