Behind the multi crisis in Indonesia, Indonesian people face many problems. The main economic problem is Indonesian exchange rate plunged down very deep. The impact of exchange rate felt down Indon…
The objective of this research is to observe, assess and understand how each and every safety culture elements work together in shaping overall safety culture in pt elnusa tbk. The research on thes…
The purpose of this research is to study and analyze determinants factors towards customer satisfaction and loyalty towards quick service restaurant in jakarta with pt. Xyz as case study. Quick ser…
The purpose of this research is to study and analyse the factors affecting customer satisfaction and loyalty in mutual funds organization, a case study at pt. Trimegah asset management. Following t…
The purpose of this research is to evaluate the influence of an internal marketing program that pt xyz had implemented in 2013 with employee?s Brand awareness. It was the first initiative marketing…
Since the emerging of the internet, there is an increase of hackers trying to exploit the vulnerabilities of web applications and websites. This problem occurs at pt. Xyz. 15 out of a total of 38 (…
The core banking system selection process for banks is rarely to be conducted. But, the bank someday will need to replace the legacy core banking system after several years due to the aging system …
With the growth of the internet, the number of web applications is also growing. Many web applications are becoming more and more important to the stakeholders that they cannot afford downtime. The…
The main purpose of this research is to study and analyze the impact of sultan hotelrnRebranding in improving business performance after its rebranding in 2006, andrnCustomer purchase preferences, …
This research is conducted to study and analyse what the supports arernProvided by multinational companies that would contribute to expatriaternSpouses? Adaptation process in host country during re…