The Impact of service climate towards service-oriented organizational citizenship behaviour of front-liners in 5 star hotels in Jakarta
Higher classified hotels are expected to offer superior customer value through better service quality and facilities as compared to lower classified ones. However, not every employees willing to do so. If employees especially front-liners wish to gain reward from customers such as revisits or a g reputation, they must engage in more service behaviour that benefit customer. One of the way is to established service climate. Service climate covered 3 dimensions which are customer orientation, work facilitation, and managerial support. The questionnaires aim to measure the impact of service climate towards service-oriented organizational citizenship behaviour of front- liners in 5 star hotels in Jakarta by distributing to 127 front-liners in 5 star hotels in Jakarta. However, only 100 that meets the requirement and can be analysed. Based on the result of SPSS test using simple regression analysis technique, it can be concluded that service climate has a 45% impact towards service-oriented organizational citizenship behaviour of front-liners in 5 star hotels in Jakarta. With that being said, H 1 is accepted, while, H 0 is rejected. Several recommendations for hotels are to provide guest
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