IT security maturity improvement based on custom EISA assessment, PT.XYZ, Jakarta
Improving IT Security capabilities always becoming a huge challenge, it must be done in a correct, thorough and systematic manner so that is aligned with the business goals. Enterprise need a framework to become a guideline in their mission to achieve their security maturity target. And thus, the framework becoming one of most important tools in the enterprise, with a framework, enterprise will be able to create an accurate road map on how, where and when they will achieve the goals. nThis research trying to create an Information security architecture framework to help PT XYZ, one of the largest banks in Indonesia. That framework will be used to improve their IT security capabilities and becoming a road map on what to improve in PT XYZ current IT security state.nEnterprise Information Security Architecture (EISA) framework, a derivative from Enterprise Architecture will be used in this thesis, and to achieve that, researcher will use evaluation research combined with piloting method.nA conceptual framework combined between NIST and local regulatory will be proposed and used by researcher for gaining information of PT XYZ current IT security capabilities. nThe result after doing interview and forum group discussion, researcher able to classify and formulize the correct EISA framework that needed by PT XYZ. The one that has been specifically adjusted for PT XYZ's conditions and targets, which can be used as a reference for PT XYZ to improve its IT security environment.nA validation of the methods that researcher uses to create the EISA framework has been conducted that shows the method are applicable for creating EISA framework, for a banking industry.nThe framework and the maturity result will be useful in further assessments, and also can be useful as a roadmap to achieve maturity target of the company.
M00560 | (Rack Thesis) | Available |
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