Developing the three-axis delta robot movement igus/beckhoff
The main purpose of this thesis project is to create a linear movement synchronization program within the Beckhoff Programmable Logic Controller (PLC). The objective is for the three-axis delta robot from IGUS to be able to demonstrate its linear movement synchronization with the existing linear moving table at the bottom. A drawing of a picture will be conducted to demonstrate the linear movement capability of the three-axis delta robot. The plan is to use and program the absolute rotary encoder and servo motors provided by Beckhoff. The Delta Robot mechanical structure of parallel arms help the bottom universal joint maintain its parallel orientation to the Delta Robot Base Mounting. This bottom joint is the End Effector of the three-axis Delta Robot, where the pencil will be attached as the main actuator for the drawing demonstration. The plan to create the linear synchronization movement is to use the existing function block as the foundation of the movement program. However, some major modification of programming logics and calculations still need to be done. The forward and inverse kinematic of the IGUS mechanical components need to be discovered and developed to fit the linear movement calculation formula.
B02975 | (Rack Thesis) | Available |
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