APA Style

Wibowo, Singgih Aji, Setiawan, Widi, Hendriana, Dena. (2018). Failure detection of tires rotating on drum by using vibration sensor analyzed with fast fourier transform . : Swiss German University.

Chicago Style

Wibowo, Singgih Aji, Setiawan, Widi, Hendriana, Dena. Failure detection of tires rotating on drum by using vibration sensor analyzed with fast fourier transform. : Swiss German University, 2018. print.

MLA Style

Wibowo, Singgih Aji, Setiawan, Widi, Hendriana, Dena. Failure detection of tires rotating on drum by using vibration sensor analyzed with fast fourier transform. : Swiss German University, 2018. print.

Turabian Style

Wibowo, Singgih Aji, Setiawan, Widi, Hendriana, Dena. Failure detection of tires rotating on drum by using vibration sensor analyzed with fast fourier transform. : Swiss German University, 2018. print.