Customer perspective and service quality on internet banking using Servqual framework
Extensive studies have been done in the past on measuring service quality where the service is delivered on a face-to-face encounter. This study assesses and measures online service quality where there is no face-to-face encounter. The service quality measures are particularly on Internet Banking service. The research problem has been stated as the lack of insight into customer perceptions on Internet Banking service quality in Indonesia banks.rnrnThe purpose of this research is to explore customers’ perceptions on key electronic service dimensions or factors of Internet Banking service quality. The primary objective of this research is to focus on Gap 5: The discrepancy between customer expectations and their perceptions of the service delivered. rnrnThe research involved collecting primary data through a structured survey questioning which was followed by statistical analysis of the data. The objective was to generalise about online banking customers’ perceptions on the quality of Internet Banking service. To collect primary data the survey questionnaire method was used. In essence
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