Implementing web page security standards at the ministry of industry attached media tracker
Indonesian Ministry of Industry Attache Media Tracker is a web-based application for effective, efficient and faster flow of Attaches news over the Internet. This application allows Indonesian Ministry of Industry Attaches around the world to give and search news directly without manual work from the central group, which is Pusat Data dan Informasi (PUSDATIN). Beside its effectiveness in sending and receiving news, this media tracker would also reduce communication time and cost efficiently because it involves only few clicks to search or publish news. Developing such application involves doing interview with the PUSDATIN group, analysing the information flow, and designing the web application. In particular, the research focuses on designing a 3-factor authentication for the web security. We propose a digital signature based on a certain hardware feature using a public key cryptosystem. This feature provides a strong authentication required by the Attache. This application uses ASP for the web interface and Microsoft SQL Server 2000 as the Database Server.
B00054 | (wh) | Available |
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