Human machine interface (hmi) for water supply distribution systems
The primary purpose of this research paper is to design general requirements of HMIrnsystem regarding to communication technique and strategy of the process schemernimplemented in any plant or system. The design for this thesis will be conducted byrnusing computer software for designing the system. Define each of the parameters tornbe controlled and its controllers in the system in order to measure the variables thatrnare being examined in this system. The research instrumentation will consist of somernof calculation based on the hardware and software are used in the systemrnimplementation. The parameter in a plant or a system will be defined later on afterrnspecifying the plant which all the information will be collected in microcontroller andrndisplay the information in the monitor in order to be able to control and monitor thernplant itself. In summary, the HMI system shall be capable to communicate with eachrnof the controller, control the information flow regarding of information to monitor &rnsimulate the transmission between human and its machine in the system. Therefore,rnthis thesis will particularly focus on the development of interfacing betweenrnoperator/user and the water supply distribution systems. The display will be used forrnrepresent the data flow in the system and manipulating some definedrnparameters/variables that will enable us to control and monitor the actuators/devicesrnin the system.
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