Designing and developing innovative device for elderly people with real time operating system using 32-bit microcontroller
The thesis project is concerned with the design of an innovative device for elderlyrnpeople focuses on safety anticipation from unpredictable accident and additionalrnfeatures to address their special needs. The main processor of this device uses a 32-bitrnmicrocontroller to meet a better performance requirement and the software itself willrnimplement Real Time System. An emergency button is built in for the user to tell therndevice to inform designated person that user needs help. The shock sensor couldrndetect a free fall which is also considered as an emergency situation. If it happens, therndevice will check its location by Global Positioning System (GPS) and send the datarnand emergency message to the person who has been registered via Global System forrnMobile (GSM). In addition, medicine intake could be scheduled and the alarm couldrnbe set to remind the user using touchsreen LCD interface. The data is saved inrnmicroSD card and could be opened and edited via Personal Computer as alternative.rnThe device could also act as music player using standard WAV format as additionalrnfeature.
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