Designing and prototyping video encoding job/task management
Videos uploaded by the users need to be encoded before going to public. The encodedrnprocess reduce the video file bandwidth. To manage those new jobs created by thernusers need a scheduling algorithm. A First Come First Serve algorithm is thernalgorithm used in this thesis. Remote Procedure Call is used as a communication toolrnbetween the server. Several file transfer method is used such as client server socketrnfile transfer and direct access file transfer. Direct access file transfer is where thernclient accesses the server?s file directory without server being notified. Client SocketrnFile Transfer is where the server listens for a request from the client for certain files.rnIn addition this thesis tries to utilize the processing power of a processor by encodingrna video into two outputs in parallel. If those free processing power are not utilize, itrnwill affect the whole processing time. Grey box testing was conducted in the lab byrnAgustinus Biotamalo who is the writer of this thesis. The result reflects thernperformance of the prototype. First come first serve scheduling algorithm performsrnthree times faster than a stand alone encoder system the distributed video encodingrnsystem when both systems are have the same processor specification.Therndisadvantage of this algorithm is send out jobs disregarding the processor?s capability.rnIf there is some slow computer exist in the network and receives a large batch then itrnwould take a very long time to process that large batch.
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