Usability study on online e-commerce in order to promote growth of online business in natural cooking club Indonesia community
With the advent of internet and its related technologies as a new vehicle forrncommerce, doing business in internet is getting more popular and interesting. Creatingrnonline shop is one of many ways to do business in the internet. The problems occurredrnwhen people who want to create online shop find that it is hard to create it byrnthemselves and hiring professional service is expensive. In this thesis, the author willrnconduct a usability study on selected user demography in a community. The usabilityrnproblems encountered by the selected user group in using e-commerce software torncreate an online shop will be captured, analyzed and a paper prototype will berndeveloped based on the problem and analysis findings. Paper prototype will be testedrnby conducting interview to some of people in the selected user group. The result fromrnthe interview then will be analyzed to make up the conclusion
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