Post-merger and acquisition analysis of bank x
The thesis empirically investigates the impact of mergers and acquisitions on a bank?srnperformance and condition, taking Bank X for case study approach. The research usesrnboth quantitative and qualitative data obtained from financial statements and variousrnliteratures to solve research problems proposed in the thesis. A variety of tests,rnincluding benchmarking and statistical testing, are used to test the hypotheses thatrnhave been developed in the thesis.rnThe research will show the relationship between health and interest profitability ofrnpost-merger Bank X and also compares the efficiency and capital structure of Bank Xrnto its competitors. The results show that health, as measured using guidelines from thernIndonesian Central Bank, affects the interest profitability of Bank X. The researchrnalso shows that Bank X?s efficiency is lower than the average standard and the bank?srndebt-equity ratio is higher than the average standard. The research will explain thernreasons behind the findings and the methods used to measure it.
B00975 | (wh) | Available |
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