Design and development of automatic continuous passive motion therapeutic system
After knee replacement surgery, a patient immediately needs a therapeutic treatment.rnA therapist flexes and extends the leg around the knee to eliminate the joint stiffness.rnThe research is to design and develop a system of automatic Continuous PassivernMotion (CPM) device so that patients no longer have to control it. The system willrnstop and return to its starting condition whenever there is patient pain. It is a force thatrnis released by the patient in an opposite direction and will be represented as holdingrnthe DC motor shaft. A DC motor, H-bridge, microcontroller, and ADC modules arernneeded to develop this system. DC motor rotates clockwise with about 4V-5V as itsrnvoltage. If the DC motor receives load, the voltage will decrease and it will berndetected by ADC. The motor will stop if the voltage reaches 3V or less. After aroundrn1.5s, it will rotate again with an opposite direction. The system is very sensitive to thernpatient pain, and if it is applied to CPM, it can improve patient safety.
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