Knowledge capturing and codifying in knowledge management using alfresco: a case study of Swiss German University
Knowledge management has become the asset of every organization because everyrnknowledge in each group is unique one with another. Two aspects that important inrnknowledge management is step to capturing the knowledge and codifying thernknowledge. Capturing mean to list or create a real documentation of knowledge whilerncodifying is to create a digital version from capturing process so it can be processedrnor easily manipulated.rnOne of the most growth software to do knowledgernmanagement for codifying is alfresco that being established in 2005. Alfresco providernopen source so called Alfresco Community Edition that enable developer to creaternrules in codifying the knowledge. The output of this process is to create functionalrnECM in a form of a portal where end user can use it to manage a contents orrnDocuments."
B01922 | (Rack Thesis) | Available |
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