Event Detection of Price Stock History Chart in Indonesia
Stock charts represent the price history of a company that given their share in stock exchange. the prices in the stock charts usually move fluctuate. But the movements can be predicting with stock analysis technique. Technical analysis is one of the most famous stock analysis methods. This research approaches the technical analysis using the news articles about stock issuers that widespread. With these articles, analyst can get the event that happen when the prices moved. the system proposed a system that can be use to help analyst or investor to analyse the price movements. the system conduct three important components, data about stock issuers such as price history and news articles, stock charts and articles generator, and then TF-IDF algorithm in RapidMiner that uses for summarizing the articles so that can be analysed for the event. the results of this research are various, it depend on the articles quality. But, after several experiment with several stock issuers, the results can be analysed. in this research conclusion, by using TF-IDF algorithm the summarized can be analysed to detecting some event when the price moving.
B01619 | (Rack Thesis) | Available |
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