Effectiveness of the pictorial health campaign on cigarette box towards PT X employee's awareness about the dangers of smoking
The purpose of this study is to find the effectiveness and awareness about the pictorialrnhealth campaign. Researcher want to analyze that the pictorial health campaign isrneffective to increase awareness about the dangerous of smoking and reduce thernnumber of smoking in Indonesia. The respondent profile is the employee's in PT. X.rnThe data collection is done by distributing valid questionnaire to 300 employee'srnrespondent in PT. X and proceed using IBM SPSS and AMOS for the statisticalrnanalysis. The result shows that current Indonesian pictorial health reminder label onrncigarette packs do not affect to the intention of smokers to stop smoking even thoughrnthe majority of the respondents are aware and disturbed by the pictures."
B02060 | (Rack Thesis) | Available |
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