Feasibility study of establishing free internet connection in Indonesia
This thesis describes a study whether providing free internet connection in Indonesia is feasible. The study includes the possible mechanism and business model for service providers to implement the idea. The researcher chooses this topic in regard to the fact that nowadays some internet service providers start to grant free hotspots in public places such as restaurants, cafes, and malls. How they compete and how they could get both financial and non-financial advantages out of it are critical issues explained in this thesis. The method adopted in this thesis is a comprehensive analysis on survey, observation, interviews with relevant sources, and questionnaire. Data collected is analyzed not only with current situation, but also some projections and estimations with relevant data. To approach the thesis title, the researcher use Melsa (Internet Service Provider in Indonesia) and Time (ISP in Malaysia) as the case study. Both of them provide free hotspot in these few years. The concept of free internet was born because of internal & external pressure of the service providers. The examples of internal pressure are tight business competition and the need for competitiveness. Meanwhile, the external pressures are declining internet connection price in average and the increasing social media applications. Furthermore, by providing free internet, the service provider companies could get some benefits, such as income through advertising, building virtual community, and opportunity to promote their own brand.
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