Integration between connectionless transport protocol (cltp) and connectionless network protocol (clnp) input in aeronautical telecommunication network (atn)
The flight industry has increased dramatically in this modern era. To deal with this situation, ICAO (International Communication Aviation Organization) came up with a new solution called CNS/ATM (Communication Navigation Surveillance/ Air Traffic Management). ATN, as part of CNS/ATM, enables digital data transmission between aircraft and air traffic control facilities. Meanwhile, Indonesia has been mandated by ICAO to implement ATN for the sake of safety aspects. Hence, BPPT as the research body for government tried to solve this problem by developing its own ATN router in order to minimize the country expense. Last year, both CLTP and COTP were built as standalone modules. Therefore, the goal of this research is to integrate CLNP as the network protocol and CLTP as the transport protocol. In conclusion, CLTP has been successfully integrated into the CLNP input part under a single kernel module named ATN. The reception integration design also follows the ISO/IEC 8473 and ISO/IEC 8602. The implementation is conducted using C programming language in Linux kernel
B00535 | (wh) | Available |
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