Design and development of software and control mechanism in a three wheel omni directional robot
This thesis work is about constructing a mobile robot and developing an application software to control the system. The robot is an omni-directional robot. The robot known as ART-1X, stands for Aditya Ronald Thesis version 1 (one) X prototype. Instead of the omni movement feature, it will have obstacle avoidance ability. The ART-1X mechanical construction is designed to be compact and robust to support its movement. The ART-1X software control application is developed by using GNU/C language and run under Linux platform. The application software execution methodology is sequential and parallel. Both execution methods are compared and applied in order to find the best method of control application to be used. For the parallelism, they are (currently) 3 processes running programmed using POSIX thread. The synchronization of those threads is performed by using MutEx (Mutual Exclusion). The parallel process serves, among others, DC motors and infra-red sensors.
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