Stereotyping in indonesian television: a semiotic study of singkawang tionghua women representation in bakpao ping-ping" film"
Singkawang is a small city located at the province of West Kalimantan, Indonesia.rnLocated about 145 km north of Pontianak, the city largest population consists of thernTionghoa ethnic group. On the negative side, Singkawang is also knownrninternationally as the source of ?foreign brides? for foreign men who are mainly fromrnTaiwan and Hong Kong.rnBy using the case study of Bak Pao Ping Ping, an FTV depicting this ?foreign bride?rnphenomenon, this research aims to study how Tionghoa women in Singkawang, whornare stereotyped as Amoy, are represented in the film. The discourse analysis of thernfilm using semiotic theory reveals that the film carries stereotypes and wrongrnrepresentations of the study subjects. This can be seen in the film Mise en Scene,rnmotion and sound, actors and acting, and dialogues between the characters.
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