Factors affecting employee intention to leave: a case study of beauty advisors in Jakarta
This research aims to identify the major factors that influence a beauty advisor?s Intention to leave a job, which in turn is indicative of beauty advisors? Overall turnover in the cosmetics industry in jakarta. It also aims to provide a comprehensive model of intentions to leave that can be extrapolated to predict actual leaving behavior, and in turn, to predict if the available beauty advisor human resource in jakarta will match the demands arising from the ongoing growth of the beauty and cosmetics retail industry. Finally, it aims to deduce actions or devise strategies that can be implemented in order to increase the retention rate of beauty advisors of a given brand, company or organization, since the cost of high turnover of beauty advisors for an organization is very high. The study used questionnaire survey to gather primary data from a total of 157 beauty advisors across multiple brands in 14 stores around jakarta. The data was analyzed using spss and amos softwares to generate a path diagram model. The factor that most positively influences a beauty advisor?s Intention to leave is stress. The strongest contributor to stress is stressors and the strongest stressor is job conflict. Stress can be reduced with positive support, the strongest support comes from supervisor/manager support. This in turn willreduce intention to leave. Job commitment does negatively influence a beauty advisor?s Intention to leave, but it is a less strong correlation. Job commitment itself is most strongly influenced by job satisfaction and the strongest job satisfaction indicator is pay and benefits, followed by recognition and freedom & control. A comprehensive model of intention to leave the job for beauty advisors in jakarta has been generated using amos software, including coefficient correlation for each path between the variables. However, it is difficult to extrapolate the data to predict if the available beauty advisor human resource in jakarta will match the demands arising from the ongoing growth of the beauty and cosmetics retail industry, since currently this research does not yield any data to be able to correlate the beauty advisor?s Turnover intention to actual turnover behavior. Further longitudinal study will need to be conducted to be able to correlate turnover intention to actual turnover behavior. Based on the survey data, only 14% of the beauty advisors population in jakarta are dissatisfied enough with their current jobs to be actively searching for new jobs in the same profession, while 34% are ?passive Job seekers?. 46% of beauty advisors consider their job as temporary, leading to high intention to leave their current organization or job, if they get the opportunity to work in another profession or job nature. This may contribute to the high turnover rate for beauty advisors in jakarta.
M00264 | (wh) | Available |
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