Analysis of distribution mix of small and medium enterprises under the control of the ministry of cooperative and SME Republic of Indonesia: a case study of CV XYZ
The purpose of this research is to analyze the distribution mix to generate the optimum performance of CV.XYZ. The indicator variable will consist of SMEnexpectations, government regulations and policies, and available distribution channel.nThe methodology applied in this research is an integration between Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis. The Analytical Induction will be determined the qualitative elements and SPSS will be used to determined the reliability and validity followed by Amos 6.0 to identify the influence of each indicator.nFindings in this research are the level of knowledge of regulations among SME is still low and its impact in the distribution strategy. Distribution mix as one of the strategy would be best implemented at VC.XYZ by combining channels 1, 2, 3.
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