Government established Executive Body, BPMIGAS, in year 2002 with the aim to supervisenand establish Cooperation Contract or Productions Sharing Contract activity in the area ofnUpstream Oil and Ga…
As an international university that has good education quality, Swiss German University (SGU) provided with a good library as well. SGU library consists of many collections of book, magazine, journ…
This thesis project consist an analysis of defect at fine blanking machine of PT. Roda Prima Lancar. The use of IDEF is to show the process of fine blanking easier to understand. The purpose of ana…
PT. Multisarana Bahteramandiri is a third party logistic service provider that wishes to increase business process efficiency in the company and improve customer service to provide better quality t…
This thesis work presents a multi robot collaboration between two robots previously developed by Fani Kurniawan Mista, William Tjiu and Addythia Saphala for the HFTR, and Alfredo Yohannes, Eric Per…