The main objective of this thesis is to develop a wireless control and monitoring system of material handling process using Tecnomatix Plant Simulation. the material handling process is modelled b…
The objective for this thesis is to achieve a good sealing of packaging without any leakage. Design, develop, construct and test a packaging machine that will have a good sealing for eating utensil…
The purpose of this thesis is to create a system which is capable of controlling paint color with paint filling and paint mixing system. This thesis is adapting the concept and implementing in an e…
The purpose of this thesis project is to develop computer vision subsystem to swarm robot system that consists of mobile robots for corridor detection, robot recognition, and distance detection. Th…
The main purpose of this thesis is to develop and implement an additional monitoring system onto an existing Automated Storage / Retrieval System (AS/RS) through wireless connection. Communication …
The main objective of this thesis is to design and develop a simulation system with a capability to integrate and synchronize several external controller into one Jack scene to simulate an automate…
This thesis work is made to design and develop a wireless online simulation and control system of existing SGU Existing SGU Festo MPS Processing Station using Siemens Tecnomatix Plant Simulation. t…
This thesis project is about designing and developing the external controller which is applied to a control system for the process simulation of MPS Festo testing station purpose by using Siemens T…
The purpose of this thesis work is to design and develop a method to control a stand-alone or synchronized process in Jack software by an external controller which is integrated to other systems, s…
The main objective of this thesis is to develop a simulation using Tecnomatix Plant Simulation which is able to control an actual hardware, in this thesis is MPS Testing Station via wireless commun…